There is a lot I didn’t cover in my chronological account of my recent travels - a lot of the posts were already too long for email and many items didn’t fit in with the theme of a given post. Further, I’ve gotten a number of frequently asked questions and at least one request to give a similar treatment to Seattle - play tourist and run around taking photos of novelties.
So the next couple of posts I’m going to do just that: it’ll be a day in Seattle (or Pittsburg, which we are visiting this week) or photos of the trip around the world on a theme. Today we have hotels.
Though I didn’t end up staying in that many, I found myself taking a lot of pictures of hotels. Sometimes because they seemed to be an interesting representation of the place, but mostly because a lot of them had funny names.
Valpo has seemingly no end to beautiful murals, but I stopped on the tour to take a look at this particularly striking, complex work.There was never an inn here and I’m entirely sure I don’t know what you are talking about.This hotel is only funny if you are (1) a dnd nerd familiar with too many sourcebooks and (2) you forgot how Strahd was spelled. Only then is it funny to imagine staying at a hotel where an overly campy vampire count contineously tries to toy with you all night.I will admit not being extremely familiar with the criminal justice system of Japan but you know things are Cool and Just when there is a 99% conviction rate. If bail exists at all (boo) maybe it means something else? Anyway this is definitely a sex hotel.My guess is this is also a sex hotel.Tokyo, in the more queer district. It’s possibly just a capsule motel but there are various definitions of business.This is also owned by the Gaslight Hotel above, which has not and does not exist.Yes yes, this is a repost. But it’s too fucking weird not to throw in here. I want them to be real.
In addition to some strangely named hotels, the ones I stayed in also had pretty strange safety/escape plans and equipment.
So yes in Osaka, the solution to smoke inhalation in case of fire is to put a plastic bag over your head. It would not have even occurred to me to try this, but an instructional video on the default hotel television channel where a woman was calmly walking down a hallway with digital smoke effects occurring completed it.Seoul expects hotel occupants to rappel out of windows in case of emergency. I think it is not just funny to consider random people John-McClaneing out of windows, but also it seems like it is single use? So you can take it and just kinda leave everyone else to presumably die?